Saturday, August 24, 2013

Camp Ned

For years I have been coming here.  Its beauty never fades and the people are always amazing. Views across lakes, streams and mountains; a town that caters to the traveler. The reservoir contains waters fed from the highest peaks of The Rockies and trickles it's wealth down the Boulder Creek.


Just up 119, off Haul St., a small trailhead sits. There is camping, for free, inside of some of the most beautiful scenery I have seen across the lands. Upon arrival I found my old campsite had been cleared for some "re-forestation/fire/wild flower planting" or whatever; so we moved to Frenchie's old site.  I am pretty sure I had a hand in building the giant teepee standing at out camp almost ten years ago almost to the day (pictures soon to come). It was a really invigorating feeling to see the familiar sites I had missed so much, for so long. The air, so clear, the waters, healing, the sites, beyond beauty; one cant even begin to explain the spirit of the mountains with mere words. I'm losing my train of thought thinking about it and trying to type it out to you guys and gals. Bare with me :P

At camp, there is the teepee I spoke of,  a nice big fire-pit someone built with a 4 ft base, near by there is a pow wow in a circle of pines with a nice surround of large red rocks,  a convenient lean (that we turned into a dry spot for our gathered firewood) near a smaller fire-pit by our tent. We can look out of to the west to mountains galore, just near the tree line. It is sanctuary.

In the clouds, the air is thin, your mind wanders, and you become a transcendent being. Feeling so small that searching for your place in the world no longer wears on you. Because you are insignificant, you feel like you can do so much more. I know, sounds strange. Maybe you just have to experience it for yourself I suppose.

Oh yea! I said we, and you have no idea who makes I, we... Well, remember that friend that stopped by at McDonalds in one of my previous posts? It's him, my favorite person, but I'll tell ya more aanother day about him.

I need to remember to put down the sling shot or hatchet to blog so don't have to write fast when I find internet. Note taken. That's all for now.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Uncle Bills

I really hope I can get this smell off of me....

I have been sitting in a dingy restaurant around every walk of life for the past 13 hours straight. I had to completely re-vamp my website, and this blog, as well as sync numerous accounts and whatnot to my facebook, gmail, tablet, yada yada. I am just glad that 13 hours cost me 16 bucks. I'm sure if I had split it up, at different diners, on the road, yeesh... It would have cost me a whole lot more. I really think the staff here is wondering who the fuck works that hard.

I don't even get paid for this... I've consumed 1/4 lb of meat, a ton of fries, and enough coffee to give a blue whale a heart-attack.

Later, I will scrub every surface of my old, crummy apartment and bid it adieu.

Today marks quite accomplishments.

Friday, August 9, 2013

On my way out

For the past 10 days I had been really bothered by the notion that those of whom I had made a huge part of my life, would do me the love of bidding me a fine farewell. Yet, many of them have not even tried. I had felt like I gave St. Louis so much, just to feel like I was unwelcome the whole time I had been here. I have since figured out, that doesn't even matter. That it's ok, you still matter to me! I will never lose my love for St. Louis and the many amazing minds that reside here. The best friends anyone could ask for.

Instead, I waited until I am nearing the end of my residence here, to thank all of those that have been there for me in my transition out.

Sean, You pretty much have slacked and packed and breathed as much dust as me. For that I thank you. You've kept me just a little sane and that makes a huge difference in my world. Endless conversation, endless pots of coffee, and an endless stream of hilarity. I don't think that there is any amount of miles that will ever put our connection and sense of humor out of range to each-other.

Sade and Seth, You guys came over and cleaned me out of my good stuff, I hope all my neat shit fits well with all your eat shit at your house =) And BELLA! Thank you for being such an awesome kid and giving Miss Wanda Catson a new best friend forever!

Nathan, I cannot thank you enough for your kindness, strength, and persistence. Without your help, I may be sitting in a pile of stuff, still overwhelmed, and in tears. Thank you. I wish I had known you for years longer!

Josh, STRONG LIKE BULL! You are such a fun person, you made moving feel like way less of a chore. I am so glad you got me to take a break and go to open mic at Venice as well. I needed those little trips out of my miserable material mountain. I can't believe we got as much done as we did in such little time!

Justine and Krikit, You guys needed so much kitchen stuff and I am so glad I could give you so much stuff! Make lots of CUPEDECAKES and send me pictures!!!

Mina and Rob, You guys just rock. You don't even know!!! You guys make me feel like there is hope for humanity. You don't let me feel down, and you know so much of real importance in life; lessons I will take with me around the world =) And Mina! I could not have gotten through all this moving without your spirit. You're ability to make sweeping and stabbing rugs with brooms an art is pretty awesome.

Dan Wenzel, You have words of wisdom, a generous heart, and the ability to make people feel strong. Thank you for allowing me to be on your record, taking the time to listen, and being my Namasbro!

Matt, Thank you so much for giving me a roof rack carrier for my car! You have NO IDEA what a weight off my mind that is! SPACE! You have given me space! You even took out the time to install it. I can't thank you more!

Chris, You bought some of my stuff, gave me a job, AND are making sure my VHS collection is safe and loved. You have always been so cool and never have asked much of me. That = NEAT-O dude! Big hugs! Thanks so much!

Shawnese and JB, I am not friends with them on fb right now, but that will change. They neighbored me 2 doors down and have turned out to be such amazing friends to have. They sat and listened to me complain, rant, and freak out about how much there was to do and helped me clear out the last bit of stuff. What amazing people! I am sad to be heading out after just befriending cool peeps like them!

And obviously, my family, so much love, support, and understanding. My strength comes from somewhere, an ever moving location, the hearts of my family. Need I say more? =P

Much love!!!!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

A trip to MacanaDonanananalds

After 20 minutes of waiting, Taco Bell seemed like a much better pair with McDonald's free internet and over priced coffee. The act of eating said Taco Hell inside of said McDonalds was much more satisfying than telling the counter girl how incredibly incompetent she is. The manager is both displeased and confused. I am ecstatic with these results. Its better than being mad about some dumb cunt.

Oh, my friend walked in...

He just ordered a large coffee.

The cashier askes, "What flavor?". In which he simply responds."Umm coffee..."

Whipped topping.

And a second time, a seperate cashier asks... The cherry.

But where is the coffee?