Saturday, August 24, 2013

Camp Ned

For years I have been coming here.  Its beauty never fades and the people are always amazing. Views across lakes, streams and mountains; a town that caters to the traveler. The reservoir contains waters fed from the highest peaks of The Rockies and trickles it's wealth down the Boulder Creek.


Just up 119, off Haul St., a small trailhead sits. There is camping, for free, inside of some of the most beautiful scenery I have seen across the lands. Upon arrival I found my old campsite had been cleared for some "re-forestation/fire/wild flower planting" or whatever; so we moved to Frenchie's old site.  I am pretty sure I had a hand in building the giant teepee standing at out camp almost ten years ago almost to the day (pictures soon to come). It was a really invigorating feeling to see the familiar sites I had missed so much, for so long. The air, so clear, the waters, healing, the sites, beyond beauty; one cant even begin to explain the spirit of the mountains with mere words. I'm losing my train of thought thinking about it and trying to type it out to you guys and gals. Bare with me :P

At camp, there is the teepee I spoke of,  a nice big fire-pit someone built with a 4 ft base, near by there is a pow wow in a circle of pines with a nice surround of large red rocks,  a convenient lean (that we turned into a dry spot for our gathered firewood) near a smaller fire-pit by our tent. We can look out of to the west to mountains galore, just near the tree line. It is sanctuary.

In the clouds, the air is thin, your mind wanders, and you become a transcendent being. Feeling so small that searching for your place in the world no longer wears on you. Because you are insignificant, you feel like you can do so much more. I know, sounds strange. Maybe you just have to experience it for yourself I suppose.

Oh yea! I said we, and you have no idea who makes I, we... Well, remember that friend that stopped by at McDonalds in one of my previous posts? It's him, my favorite person, but I'll tell ya more aanother day about him.

I need to remember to put down the sling shot or hatchet to blog so don't have to write fast when I find internet. Note taken. That's all for now.

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